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zip drive中文是什么意思

用"zip drive"造句"zip drive"怎么读"zip drive" in a sentence


  • [网络] 极碟;磁碟机;压缩驱动器


  • zip drives, floppy disks, and usb storage devices will be automatically recognized by knoppix, and icons will be placed on the desktop
  • After your computer s bios has done its thing, the system reads the first bit of your hard drive or floppy, or cd-rom, or zip drive . linux is very flexible and encounters the bootloader
  • Computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart, the best we can do is breathe and reboot; and when that fails, a little gizmo called the zip drive can provide us a surprising amount of comfort, and so can a boyfriend, if you can learn to let him
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